This Is Your Perfect Heel Height - Do This Test And Find Your Perfect Heel Height!


Do you dream of finding the perfect pair of heels that don’t torture you? No need to look further because here is your solution. In this blog item, I’m going to show you the quick and easy heel height test.


Here's how our Perfect Heel Height Test works

Go and grab your heels and wear and elevate your (foot) heels, just like you're rising onto your tiptoes. If you’re able to lift your heel higher in heels like shown in the Instagram Reel below then there's plenty of room for your feet to move and walk comfortably in those heels. It's a clear indicator that these heels offer enough mobility space you need for you to wear your heels confidently.

What if you can’t lift your heels?

If your ability to lift your heels is limited, and your feet feel cramped or arched to the max, then this is a big indication your heels are too high for you.
This can result in discomfort and hinder you first of all lasting longer in your heels and feeling comfortable in your heels.
It's similar to when you wear shoes that are simply too tight – they restrict your movement and can be painful.

But what if you have Hyper Mobile Feet?

It’s important to know that this test is not for hypermobile feet. If you have flexible feet then I advise you to check out my article that speaks on finding your heel height no matter what feet you have. If you have hypermobile feet, you naturally possess more flexibility in your feet and ankles. This can present both advantages and challenges when wearing high heels. Your hypermobile feet may allow greater movement within heels that are already high making this test not valid for your feet.

To conclude, the capability to raise your heels while wearing your chosen heels is a promising sign of a good heel height for you. Remember, comfort is key, and understanding your feet’ unique needs, and any challenges they may present is the first step towards achieving that perfect balance between style and well-being.

Share in the comments what you think of this perfect heel height test.