The Best Shoe Stretchers for High Heels


You can stretch your high heels to make them slightly bigger in width and length. Please don’t use this article as an excuse to buy a pair of heels that are too small for you.

When you wear ill-fitting shoes that can be bad for your health. Wearing the wrong shoe size can result in corns, hammertoes, bunions and other foot deformities. You can prevent this by simply wearing the right shoe size for you.

But if you have a pair of heels lingering around that needs to be stretched you can use the following tools.


Mini shoe stretcher for high heels

The mini shoe stretcher only stretches your shoes in the width. This shoe stretcher works best with heeled sandals. If your feet are thick this shoe stretcher might not be the best solution.

How to use: Place the shoe stretcher in your heels and widen up the shoe stretcher by twisting the wheel in the middle.

Leave the shoe stretcher in your heels for at least one week. If you want to quicken the process you can either use a blow-dryer on medium warm air setting on your heels. You can also combine the shoe stretcher with a stretch spray to make the leather agile enough to stretch.


Forme Shoe shapers

When the Forme Shoe Shapers popped up on my timeline on Instagram I did not know what to think of them. They have a stylish shape. But aside from the shape, this shoe shaper is great for breaking into your new shoes. Next to that, they look better than the classic shoe stretchers. I noticed by using this shoe item that it didn’t stretch my heels but rather made them feel like they’ve been worn before. The Forme shoe shapers are great for preventing creases in your new shoes. 

How to use: Slide the button to the front and pop the shoe shapers in your high heels and you are good to go.


Eachway Shoe stretcher

This shoe stretcher is by far my favourite of them all because it can stretch your shoes in the length. This stretcher is not as stylish as the forme shoe shaper, but baby it sure does what it should. They even come with bunion imitators that make room in your heels for your bunion. If you have a high bridge you can even add that extension to make your shoes wider in the height. The easy way shoe stretcher is an all-around shoe stretcher.

How to use: To widen up the shoe stretcher you can twist the hook clockwise. If you want to make your shoes a size bigger you must twist the wheel clockwise. You can also use the bunion imitators if you have to


FootFitter Premium Shoe Stretcher For Boots

If you are thinking: ‘‘What about my boots?’’. Well, this shoe stretcher by FootFitter is an intelligent invention because it can fit in boots. This shoe stretcher only stretches your shoes in the width. You should know that this shoe stretcher doesn’t come in a pair. If you want to use it make sure you have enough time to stretch your left shoe and right shoe.

How to use: This shoe stretcher works the same as the eachway shoe stretcher. It also comes with bunion imitators. All you have to do is place the stretcher in your shoes and twist the lever clockwise to make the stretcher wider.


Ways to Stretch your high heels at home


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